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Software Gallery

Screenshots of some applications I have made. Some are for download, some include source code.


My GitHub

C# Bloom Filter Project
Bloom Filter

A novel, space-efficient, probabilistic data structure for hashing a large number of values. Similar to a hash table, but smaller and can hash billions of values.


Two RC4 stream cipher variants for hashing, CBC, visualizing how it works, or just general encryption.​


A Linq experiment. Finds the intersection of any number of arithmetic progression sequences, including infinite sets.

C# Mixed Radix System Calculator
Mixed radix calculator

Creates a counting system of radixes such as base 12 or mixed radixes such as Minutes/Hours/Days/Years (60/60/24/365)


C# Equation Finder
Equation Finder

​Finds equations to match select constraints. Answers such questions as: "How many diffrent ways can nine 9's equal 27 (using only arithmetic operations)"


C# Security Certificate Enumerator
Certificate Enumerator

Enumerates certificate information for all the windows certificates to various formats for easy searching/comparison.

Random Name Generator

​Generates random, formatted data.


Generate a new, realistic identity, or fill databases with realistic data to look like real customer information for honey pots or as a replacement for lorem ipsum.

Aranock Assist

​Game macro/playing/cheat program for Aranock (Like Mercenaries of Astonia).


It will read the memory address for health or mana and can automatically perform the correct keystrokes to drink a health or mana potion, respectively.

Ham Exam​​

Amateur ham radio licence practice exam application, for the Technicians Class.

Uses String.Parse on the public question pool to quickly implement the exam solution.

LOTRO Assist

​Game macro/cheating program for Lord of the Ring Online.


Features auto-farming.

Rouge-like cave generator

Procedual generation of random, cave-like maps using the automata method.

Open source!

Simple Captcha

A simple captcha image generating program using envelope distortion and random background noise.

DataTable Application​

​DataTable/DataGrid proof of concept.



Features: Generating tables (columns) from a ListBox (string array), and serializing DataSeta as XML, binary, SOAP, SQL, CSV, Word, or Excel document.

Space Ship RPG​​

A simple space ship building, upgrading and resouce collecting game.

Uses event delegates along with Func, Tuples and Lists to implement complex logic in a sane, comprehensable way that is also highly flexible/extensible.


An asteroids clone, but with a crab.


Made with Microsoft XNA game studio.

Bunny Script​

My own implementation of a scripting language, as a proof of concept.

Uses Func<T,TReturn> delegates to maximize code readability and reuse. Choosing this approach resulted in very few lines of code and minimal developing time.

Bunny Crypt

​My own implementation of a cipher block encryption as a proof-of-concept.


Includes a one-way encryption algorithm.

Text Fade​​

Generates fading text as an HTML, RTF or image file.


Generates fading text that changes the color of each character in a string based off of a delta value between the start color, end color and the number of characters in the string.

Reservation Software.

​Proprietary reservation software.

Booking Application

Proprietary booking/reservation software.

Quark Calculator​

​Build diffrent matter by clciking and dragging quarks into a particle.


Calculates the mass, spin, charge, and if its a valid, known particle.

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